2 min readJun 19, 2023
Image: PEPEMO Promoted Ads

Introducing $PEPEMO Coin on Binance Smart Chain, a revolutionary cryptocurrency designed to disrupt the market with its unique features and potential. With a max supply of 420.69T, no team tokens, renounce ownership, and LP burn, $PEPEMO is set to make waves in the crypto space!

Community marketing plan includes:

1. 24*7 Shill @pepemoarmy: Our passionate community members will promote $PEPEMO on social media, building a strong community.

2. Social media influencer endorsements: We will collaborate with renowned influencers to reach a broader audience.

3. Regular press releases: Updates on partnerships, milestones, and features will be shared to build trust and excitement.

4. Engaging video presentations: Captivating videos will showcase $PEPEMO's unique aspects and potential.

5. Memes with influential figures: Memeing with figures like Elon Musk will create buzz and attract attention.

6. AI integration for valuable insights: AI tools will provide analytics to enhance the trading experience.

7. NFT expansion: Entering the NFT space, we will provide unique digital assets, increasing demand.

8. Staking tokens (HODL): Users can earn passive income by holding $PEPEMO tokens.

9. AMA sessions: PEPEMO community core team and experts will answer community questions for transparency and insights.

10. Promoted ads for wider reach: Strategically placed ads across digital platforms will attract potential investors.

11. AI-powered GPT chatbots: These chatbots provide 24/7 support, answering queries and generating helpful content for the community.

12. Continuous development: We actively listen to feedback and implement innovative features.

By leveraging AI tools, we enhance $PEPEMO's community and use-case, empowering users with insights and personalized recommendations. Join the $PEPEMO revolution today and be part of a community shaping the future of decentralized finance! Break free from the matrix hoomans!


